Episode: Endangered Spaces
So yes, I listen to podcasts about camping, nature conservancy, and Outdoor Adventure. I like to hear good stories about what people are doing to help preserve the places I want to go, the impact we as humans have on these places, and ideas on how to fix the issues we are having. Since traveling to the southwest last year for a close friend's funeral, I have paid more attention to the Colorado River; I revisited the Grand Canyon on this trip and traveled past the reservoirs this great river fed from Arizona to Colorado. I could not believe how low the water was throughout the journey.
Minnesota and North Dakota have been experiencing drought conditions for the last few years. As a result, fires have been more common on the North Shore and in the Boundary Waters areas; lakes throughout Minnesota have been so low that it has become a concern throughout the state. But still, nothing compares to what the Colorado River Basin has been facing over the last 20 years.
The Episode Endangered Spaces tells the story of river advocates Mike and Jenny Fieberg, paddling the Colorado River from its source in the Wind River Mountains to the Gulf of Mexico, a five-month journey the couple had always wanted to do. They tell their story about the trip along with a collection of information from the people who understand what changes need to happen so the river can survive.
I listened to this episode while visiting their Instagram page dedicated to this journey. It made the listening experience much more interesting, and I suggest you do the same. If you are also interested in these topics like I am, please share them with me.
Instagram: oneriverexpedition